Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Oy. We have a quiz already tomorrow on a new chapter in our textbook and an exam on Thursday. I happen to be exhausted today. I used to be a night owl and able to function on less than 4 hours of sleep. I now require 7 hours, and if I get any less I am basically useless. I run out of steam really fast and no matter how many lattes I consume, it's to no avail.

The problem is that the Australian Open started yesterday, and I absolutely love watching these major events (my husband is a tennis pro). Besides, Roger Federer is my little boy toy (I even have a cat named after him) and I follow him like some inane groupie, but since I'm old enough to be his mother (reality sucks), I worry when he plays poorly and actually get anxious like the crazy Jewish mother that I am (pathetic!) Not that I lust after younger men (again I sound defensive). But there's something about this Swiss....never mind-dirty old lady thoughts. So I stayed up until about half past midnight, got up at 5:30 when my cat Ethan did his "Call Of The Wild" impression because he wanted to be fed, blocked him out and fell back to sleep until 6:30. Not having that extra hour knocked me out for the rest of the day.

So tonight Mr. Sanchez had us take out (get this) Magnum, our male mannequin, as well as our mannequins Amanda and Alissa, all who needed to be shampooed, trimmed, and blown dry. I guess Mr. Sanchez forgot what I had said about this Jesus looking mannequin on the first night we took him out of his box. He has brown hair past his shoulders and a beard about the same length. Mr. Sanchez asked if I ever knew a man who wore his hair at this length or in a ponytail, and I again told him that I used to find guys like this hot, and I thought he would bust a gut, as well as the other women (girls) in the class who heard me. They (including Mr. Sanchez!) weren't even born when I was lusting after these hairy hippies (I did after all, go to an art high school and college-basically 90% of the male students looked like Magnum!)

So when we finished trimming the hair, Mr. Sanchez showed us a really neat way to blow dry the hair that keeps it really smooth and silky (I'm not giving away any styling tricks) and I now can't wait to wash my hair tomorrow and try this out on myself.

I will keep this relatively short as I'm falling asleep as I type. I need to get up early to study and then I'm working in the office tomorrow in my DON (director of nursing) position. Lots of paper-pushing to satisfy our government. Medicare is being ripped off left and right, yet they still insist on all this bull#*#* paper work, thinking that proper documentation will keep things legit. They've turned home care into worrying more about the paperwork and the reimbursement than the patient.

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